Tufts University, School of Dental Medicine, Continuing Education, Boston, MA. Title: “Interocclusal Registrations in Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics”.
Society for Clinical Dental Studies and Research, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Title: “Full Mouth Rehabilitation. Clinical and Laboratory Procedures.” (Invited Speaker)
15th Greek Dental Congress, Chalkidiki, Greece.
Title: “The Importance of Diagnostic Waxing and Provisional Restorations in the Successful Outcome of Prosthodontic Reconstruction.”
20th Congress of the European Prosthodontic Association, Tübingen, Germany.
Title: “Interocclusal Registrations in Fixed Prosthodontics.”
7th Meeting of the International College of Prosthodontists, Sliema, Malta.
Title: “An Esthetic and Hygienic Approach to the Use of Interlocks in Fixed Prosthodontics.”
Stomatological Society of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Title: “Clinical and Laboratory Procedures in Complete Dentures Fabrication.”
18th Greek Dental Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Title: “The Art and Science of Complete Dentures.”
8th Meeting of the International College of Prosthodontists, Stockholm, Sweden.
Title: “Cement failure Loads of 4 Provisional Luting Agents Used for the Cementation of Implant Supported Fixed Partial Dentures.”
Stomatological Society of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Title: “Factors Contributing to Implant Failures.” (Invited Speaker)
Stomatological Society of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Title: “Post and Core Systems Used in the Anterior Esthetic Region.” (Invited Speaker)
Stomatological Society of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Title: “Diagnostic Waxing and Provisional Restorations.” (Invited Speaker)
51st Annual Session of the American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics, Chicago, IL
Title: “Light Transmission of Post and Cores Used in the Anterior Esthetic Region.”
Stomatological Society of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Title: “Cemented and Screw-Retained Implant Restorations. Pros and Cons.” (Invited Speaker)
108th Annual Meeting of the American Dental Society of Europe, Prague, Czech Republic.
Title: “Immediate Loading of Implants.”
Stomatological Society of Northern Greece, Thassos, Greece.
Title: “Impression Making in Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics.” (Invited Speaker)
School of Dentistry, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Title: “Is Passive Fit Feasible in Implant Prosthodontics?” (Invited Speaker)
· 11/2002
Aristotle University, School of Dentistry, Continuing Education.
Title: “Passive Fit in Implant-Retained Restorations.” (Invited Speaker)
38th Annual Stomatological Meeting, Alexandroupoli, Greece
Title: “Treatment Planning of Patients with a Few Remaining Strategic Abutments: Fixed, Removable or Implant Prosthodontics?” (Invited Speaker)
Seminar of the Dental Association of Thessalia, Larissa, Greece.
Title: “Screw- vs. Cement-Retained Implant Restorations.” (Invited Speaker)
11th Meeting of the International College of Prosthodontists, Crete, Greece.
Title: “Tooth Dimensions in a Sample of Greek Polpulation and their Effect on Prosthetic Treatment Planning.”
11th Meeting of the International College of Prosthodontists, Crete, Greece.
Title: “Cement failure Loads of 4 Provisional Luting Agents Used for the Cementation of Implant Supported Fixed Partial Dentures. Part 2: The effect of Thermocycling”
11th Meeting of the International College of Prosthodontists, Crete, Greece.
Title: “Cement failure Loads of 4 Provisional Luting Agents Used for the Cementation of Implant Supported Fixed Partial Dentures. Part 3: The Effect of Air Abrasion of the Abutments and the Intaglio Surface of the Copings.”
11th Meeting of the International College of Prosthodontists, Crete, Greece.
Title: “Pre- and Post-Set Hydrophillicity of Elastomeric Impression Materials.
· 09/2005
Annual Meeting of the Dental Association of Halkidiki, Sani Beach Resort, Greece.
Title: “Diagnostic waxing and provisional restorations: Luxury or necessity?”
· 03/2006
7th Annual Meeting of the Greek Prosthodontic Association, Loutraki, Greece.
Title: “Screw- vs. Cement-Retained Implant Restorations.” (Invited Speaker)
· 05/2006
1st Meeting of the Dental Association of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece.
Title: “Screw- vs. Cement-Retained Implant Restorations.” (Invited Speaker)
· 10/2008
28th Annual meeting of the Greek Dental Association
Title: “Prosthodontics and facial support.”
· 09/2009
13th Meeting of the International College of Prosthodontists, CapeTown, South Africa
Title: “Fracture resistance of metal ceramic restorations with two different margin designs after exposure to masticatory simulation.
· 10/2009
33rd Annual Congress of the European Prosthodontic Association, Innsbruck, Austria
Title: “Provisional maxillary removable complete denture converted to implant retained fixed complete denture: An aid for complex prosthodontic procedures.”
· 01/2010
1st Greek Tufts Prosthodontic Alumni meeting, Athens, Greece
Title: “The complete denture as diagnostic and provisional means for the rehabilitation with implant supported fixed complete denture.” (Invited Speaker)
· 06/2010
2nd International Tufts Prosthodontic Alumni meeting, Boston, USA
Title: “The challenge of managing soft tissue support in relation to prosthodontic rehabilitation” (Invited Speaker)
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Continuing Education Courses
Title: “Rehabilitation of partial edentulism with implant supported fixed partial dentures.” (Invited Speaker)
30th Annual Meeting of the Greek Dental Association, Athens, Greece
Title: “The role of complete dentures in contemporary clinical dentistry.” (Invited Speaker)
93rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Prosthodontics, Hilton Head Ιsland, South Carolina, USA
“Restoring partial edentulism with implants supported prostheses: Parameters for success.” (Invited Speaker)
14th Meeting of the International College of Prosthodontists, Big Island, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Title: “Occlusion and Postural Control. Theoretical considerations and clinical findings.”
20th Annual Meeting European Association for Osseointegration, Athens, Greece
Title: “The effect of different implant/abutment connection on screw joint stability: A biomechanical study.”
20th Annual Meeting European Association for Osseointegration, Athens, Greece
Title: “Marginal adaptation of four different casting waxes on stone, titanium and zirconia dies.”
11th Biennial Meeting of the Cyprus Dental Association, Nicosia, Cyprus
Title: “Restoring complete edentulism with implants supported prostheses: Parameters for success.” (Invited Speaker)
11th Biennial Meeting of the Cyprus Dental Association, Nicosia, Cyprus
Title: “Restoring partial edentulism with implants supported prostheses: Parameters for success.” (Invited Speaker)
11th Biennial Meeting of the Cyprus Dental Association, Nicosia, Cyprus
Title: “Immediately loaded maxillary and mandibular dental implants with a fixed CAD-CAM prostheses using a flapless surgical approach.” (Invited Speaker)
- 09/2012, Dental Association of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Title: “Do’s and don’ts in rehabilitating complete and partial edentulism with implants supported prostheses.” (Invited Speaker)
32nd Annual Meeting of the Greek Dental Association, Alexandroupoli, Greece
Title: “Management of complex prosthodontics cases.” (Invited Speaker)
ITI Study Club, Thessaloniki, Greece
Title: “Restoring complete and partial edentulism with implants supported prostheses: Parameters for consideration.” (Invited Speaker)
International Association for Dental Research, Seattle, Washington
Tsaira K, Karagiannidis P, Michalakis K, Kugiumtzis D, Pissiotis A, Naka O, Logothetidis S: A nonlinear constitutive model for the behavior of oral mucosa.
Hellenic Odontostomatological Society, Athens, Greece
Title: “Complete Dentures: Back to Our Roots.” (Invited Speaker)
Balkan Stomatological Society, Belgrade, Serbia
Title: “Predictably addressing patients’ esthetic and functional needs: A real challenge.” (Invited Speaker)
Hellenic Odontostomatological Society, Athens, Greece
Title: “Complete Dentures: Back to Our Roots.” (Invited Speaker)
7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, MA
Tsouknidas A, Giannopoulos D, Michalakis K, Savvakis S, Michailidis N, Lympoudi A, Pissiotis A: “The influence of bone’s elasticity on the apical migration of a natural tooth connected with a non-rigid attachment to an osseointegrated implant. A 3D Finite Element Analysis (FEA)”
Cretan Dental Association, Heraklion, Crete
Title: “Complete Dentures from A to Z.” (Invited Speaker)
Nicosia, Cyprus
Title: “Prosthetics aspects in fixed and removable implant prosthodontics.” (Invited Speaker)
IADR ANZ, Dunedin, New Zealand
Title: “Connection of natural teeth to osseointegrated implants.” (Keynote Speaker)
- 09/2015 (Invited Speaker)
16th Biennial Meeting of the International College of Prosthodontists, Seoul, Korea
Title: “Predictably addressing patients’ esthetic needs: A real challenge.” (Invited Speaker)
Hellenic Odontostomatological Society, Athens, Greece
Title: “Complete Dentures from A to Z.” (Invited Speaker)
HAOMS, Athens, Greece
“Dental implant prosthetic failures.” (Invited Speaker)
2nd Perio-Pros Tufts Alumni meeting, Boston, MA
Title: “Predictably addressing patients’ esthetic needs: A real challenge.” (Invited Speaker)
40th European Prosthodontic Association meeting
65th German Society for Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomaterials, Halle, Germany
Title: “The effect of rigid and non-rigid connection between implants and teeth on biological and technical complications: A systematic review and a meta-analysis.”
36th Annual Congress of the Hellenic Dental Association, Athens, Greece
Title: “Biomechanics in prosthodontics” (Invited Speaker)
28th Annual conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, Athens, Greece
Title: “Development of Ag nanoparticles-coated titanium surfaces for application in Implant Dentistry”
37th Annual Congress of the Hellenic Dental Association, Thessaloniki, Greece
Title: “Digital Prosthodontics: How far have we gone?” (Invited Speaker)
Dental society of Drama, Drama, Greece
Title: “The challenge of designing and providing a beautiful smile”
100th meeting of the Academy of Prosthodontics, Chicago, IL
Title: “Biocompatibility and antibacterial efficacy of Ti surfaces modified with Ag nanoparticles.” (Invited Speaker)
150th Anniversary celebration of Tufts School of Dental Medicine, Monte Carlo, Monaco
Title: “Management of complex cases.” (Invited Speaker)
38th Annual meeting of the Greek Dental Association, Ioannina, Greece
Title: “Implants in the anterior esthetic zone: parameters for success.” (Invited Speaker)
Annual meeting of the Israeli Dental Association, Tel Aviv, Israel
Title: “Planning for success in restorative dentistry. Part I: The full mouth rehabilitation case.” (Keynote speaker)
Annual meeting of the Israeli Dental Association, Tel Aviv, Israel
Title: “Planning for success in restorative dentistry. Part II: The anterior esthetic zone.” (Keynote speaker)
Dental Society of Drama, Drama, Greece
Title: “Screw- vs. cement-retained implant retained restorations.”
Greek Prosthodontic Society, Webinar
Title: “Predictably addressing patients’ esthetic needs: A real challenge.” (Invited Speaker)
Dental Association of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Title: "Implants in the anterior esthetic zone: Parameters for consideration."
(Invited Speaker)